物理学院粒子物理研究所招聘信息: 高能粒子理论物理

作者: 时间:2016-07-07 点击数:

Junior faculty position in Theoretical Particle Physics

Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University

We are pleased to announce the availability of a junior faculty position in theoretical Particle Physics at Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) of Central China Normal University starting in 2017. Qualified applicants are required to have a Ph. D. in physics or equivalent and a minimum of two years of postdoctoral research experience. We are looking for candidates with outstanding records of independent and original research, demonstrated ability or great potential for international leadership.

The current interests in the Particles Physics group are Heavy flavor physics, CP violation, neutrino physics, dark matter and Physics beyond the standard model. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain active research programs in theoretical particle physics related to the current interest at IOPP and to teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

IOPP at CCNU, established in 1978, has over 40 faculty members and about 40 PhD students. It is home to the Center of Nuclear Matter Science and Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics of Ministry of Education (MOE) of China. Research activities at IOPP include theoretical particle and nuclear physics, experimental particle and high-energy nuclear physics (ALICE, LHCb and STAR). CCNU provides competitive salary and start-up funding, generous housing subsidies and compensation for relocation commensurate to the level of appointments and candidates' experience. The university will also sponsor applications for the national young 1000-plan, MOE's Young Changjiang Scholar and Hubei 100-plan program for eligible candidates.

Applicants should submit a CV, a list of publications, and short description of research plan and at least three recommendation letters. Consideration of applications will begin on September 1, 2016 or until the position is filled.

Contact: Prof. Benwei Zhang, Chair of the Search Committee

Email: bwzhang@mail.ccnu.edu.cn

Latters of Reference should be sent to: bwzhang@mail.ccnu.edu.cn

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